General Quotes
TASagentBot features a relatively simple Quote System.
- Returns a random quote-
!quote add "<quote>"
- Adds a quote attributed to the streamer. Ex:!quote add "Hmmm, intriguing"
- Alias:
!addquote "<quote>"
- Added this alias for compatibility with other bots. - Alias:
!add quote "<quote>"
- Added this alias for compatibility with other bots.
- Alias:
!quote add "<quote>" <username>
- Add a quote attributed to the specified user. Ex:!quote add "Hmmm, intriguing" TASagentPuppet
- Alias:
!addquote "<quote>" <username>
- Added this alias for compatibility with other bots. - Alias:
!add quote "<quote>" <username>
- Added this alias for compatibility with other bots.
- Alias:
!quote #<id>
- Return the quote with the matching id. Ex:!quote #4
!quote <searchText>
- Return a random quote containing matching text. Ex:!quote bananas
!quote remove #<id>
- Remove a quote. Ex:!quote remove #5"
.- Normal users can only remove quotes they made in the last 15 minutes.
- Moderators can remove quotes made by any non-moderator in the last 15 minutes.
- Admins can remove any quotes
Fake News Quotes
Since there has been an epidemic of Fake News quotes, the admin alone can now set warnings on Fake News quotes with the following commands:
!set quote #<id> fakenews
- Sets the specified quote as fake news. Ex:!set quote #4 fakenews
.!set quote #<id> fakenews <description>
- Sets the specified quote as fake news with the provided description. Ex:!set quote #4 fakenews "I never said that"
.!set quote #<id> realnews
- Returns a quote to original “real news” status. Ex:!set quote #4 realnews