Moderator Features

Moderator Powers

TASagentBot features a few powers specifically for Moderators

General Powers

Notification Management

User Permissions

User permissions for the bot is controlled through several tiers of access. From most to least powerful, they are: administrator, moderator, elevated, normal, and restricted.

User Permission Management

Moderators and Admins can adjust the permissions of users.

  • !permit <user> - Increase non-mod user permissions by a level
    • Aliases: !elevate, !promote
  • !revoke <user> - Decrease non-mod user permissions by a level
    • Alias: !demote
  • !restrict <user> - Sets user permissions to Restricted

Admins alone can grant and revoke moderator permissions

  • !mod <user> - Sets a user to the Mod tier
  • !unmod <user> - Removes a user from the Mod tier

Command Management

Moderators and Admins can add, remove, and modify generic informational chat commands.

TTS Management

Bot Management